Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday morning update

Did a quick drive past this morning to check how the progress was going.. there was also something that I wanted to check with the brickies regarding a dark patch of bricks in the front of the house. Was something that I couldn't stop thinking about all night.

We checked with the head brickie, who called himself 'the bossman'. As I didn't want to ignore it incase it was something that needed attention before it was too late.

Here is a pic of what stood out to me yesterday..see the dark patch under the scaffold on the left.

He assured me that it was OK and it was just mud from the rain we had recently. I feel a little relieved still weird that its only on this patch and not anywhere else. We'll see next week after they clean the bricks and make sure its not there.

Here are a couple of pics of what we saw today...

View from kitchen/dining to outdoor room and garden
Living room feature window, to get quote for plantation shutters..
Kitchen splashback window and to the right, butlers pantry

Bricked up to the roof here..the bit above the outdoor room will be cladded.

Happy weekend everybody, hope your builds are all coming along too..:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bricking Almost Complete

Went to the house yesterday and was great to see 5 brickies working away.
Looks like the bricking is almost complete, the portico is almost done and bricking is ¾ of the way up the front of the house. They have also bricked ¾ of the way up the right elevation.

Called our SS to get an update, he seems to think that they will complete bricking by tomorrow...
then the bricks need 4 days to dry and allow acid levels to settle. Next, fascia will be installed, scaffolding will then be taken down to allow for the bricks to be cleaned, all starting mid next week.

Tiling of the roof will start at the end of next week or start of the week after all weather depending.

So excited by all this news... when I think about the whole building process, we sometimes forget how much they have done in such a short time. They started on the site on the 31st August and two months later we might have a roof on. I think it's the waiting at the beginning that makes all of us who are building so anxious to get things happening to be able to move into our new homes! So far, have to give Metricon a big thumbs up.

Our neighbour who is building an Eden Brae house, started about 3 weeks before us and is having to chase Eden Brae for their bricks to continue. The neighbour on the other side is an owner builder and started almost 6 weeks before us is halfway with the bricking.

Guess that's the way the building game works, one big rollercoaster.

Anyway here are some pics of my trip there yesterday....

Front and right elevation bricking

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bricks progress, and later with scaffolding

Drove past early Thursday morning before work and took some pictures of the progress of the bricks.

Whilst we were there the scaffolding was being delivered, this is great news as hopefully this means that they will be progressing the bricks to the top. Guess this is the last time we will see the exterior of the house properly till its almost complete and they remove the complaints we are very happy with the progress!

Here are some pictures of the bricking and the house with scaffold on at the end of the day...

Garage bricking

Our outdoor room, looking into the kitchen and dining room

View from our outdoor room

Scaffolding being delivered

The scaffolding of the front of the house

Really looks like a building site now:)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bricking Started

After a couple of weeks of not much to report on and very ordinary weather ... Craig gave our SS a call to check when the bricking was due to start.

They started the following day (Friday) and there was one guy on site on Saturday morning...don't think he was there for long though as it rained for the remainder of the day.

We asked to meet our SS for the first time this morning to go through the house and talk about bricking timelines and also had a couple of questions for him. 7am meet at the house was what we agreed on.

Got Craig out of bed, got the girls out of bed, still in PJ's (the girls, not Craig) :), drove to the house and ... lots of brickies, but alas, no SS.

Craig phoned him and he said he was "crook" and would not make it there today. A call would have been nice. Lucky we don't live too far or we would have been crankier.

Nevertheless at least happy to see brickies working today and hopefully working through the rest of the week.

Here are some pics we took on the weekend of about 1½ day's work:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bricks Delivered And A Sneaky View From Upstairs

Today we dropped by the house to see if bricks had been delivered, and indeed they had. A veritable truckload of them!

The Whitsunday Brampton close up. You can see an example of how great they will look once all finished on Megan and Stefan's blog.

Our eldest Mikaela checks the frames for correct alignment.

Looks like there has been lots of activity relating to plumbing during the week. All drains piped and connected. All external taps have copper pipes bent and soldered into place. All internal tap points have their tubing runs. I figured that recycled water is purple whilst the fresh supply is black. Yellow is a mystery, could be hot water specifically but I can't be sure yet.

Now for some shots from upstairs ... I mean, up-ladder. Sandrine was extremely concerned for the safety of ... her iPhone, not so much her husband ascending the rickety ladder to take these shots.

Something that Sandrine immediately noticed was the height at which this window sits was far higher than that in the display homes. Of course on checking the elevation plans, it's exactly what we've signed-off, however it's just another one of those small details you miss in the sea of information that you're confronted with and need to rush-rush, sign-sign, commit! The 3D walkthrough that Metricon has recently started offering on tender presentation would probably have been helpful in highlighting the above to us. Ah well, such is building. :)

Ensuite showing window-over-bath and potential mountain views in the distance.

Looking across the master suite from the ensuite.

Master suite mid windows with more potential views (dependant on property behind yet to be built).

The walk-behind wardrobe area. Whoa ... I'd better not step to the left too much or I'll be airborne!

That's all for now. Have a great long weekend everyone ... those states that have one :).