Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday morning update

Did a quick drive past this morning to check how the progress was going.. there was also something that I wanted to check with the brickies regarding a dark patch of bricks in the front of the house. Was something that I couldn't stop thinking about all night.

We checked with the head brickie, who called himself 'the bossman'. As I didn't want to ignore it incase it was something that needed attention before it was too late.

Here is a pic of what stood out to me yesterday..see the dark patch under the scaffold on the left.

He assured me that it was OK and it was just mud from the rain we had recently. I feel a little relieved still weird that its only on this patch and not anywhere else. We'll see next week after they clean the bricks and make sure its not there.

Here are a couple of pics of what we saw today...

View from kitchen/dining to outdoor room and garden
Living room feature window, to get quote for plantation shutters..
Kitchen splashback window and to the right, butlers pantry

Bricked up to the roof here..the bit above the outdoor room will be cladded.

Happy weekend everybody, hope your builds are all coming along too..:)

1 comment:

  1. It all looks like it's coming along quite well. Do you know when the roof will go on?
